The Limited sequin tank - $8.95 from Divine Consign

Thin brown braided belt - $4.95 from Divine Consign

"old lady" gray silk see through shirt - $4.99 Sal Val

Jessica Simpson shoes! - $14.95 from Divine Consign

So instead of an outfit post from today (why? i'll get into that later), I decided to post some of the goodies that i got from my shopping adventure with my roomie on Saturday. The things above were all purchased for under $34!! Whattttt Whatttttt!! :) I loveeee a good bargain! There was one more thing that was purchased for $.50 at Sal Val, but you'll have to wait until I wear it.... I revamped it, soooo I'd rather you see the NEW version!
Now onto why I didn't post an outfit pic today.... Last night I had a softball game. I was the 2nd batter of the night, and for those of you that don't know me, I'd like to think I'm a pretty fast individual. So, I hit a grounder to the short stop. So i'm halfway to first base, and I realize that he gets the ball. Naturally, I'd like to pick up some speed..... however, my feet apparently wanted to move faster than the stupid thick mud would want me to. Sooooo.... I'm trying to catch my footing and speed up, but that doesn't happen. I straight up face first slide "into first", however first was still a foot away. I'm straight embarrassed, obviously. I just lay there face down for a minute. My team starts yelling like "Get up! Tag the base!" I look, and the girl on first had dropped the ball. I scramble to my feet and try to tag the base in time....... but nooooooooo that doesn't happen. So not only did I face plant slide, but I also got the out. Punch me in the face. :) The rest of the game actually went really well. Only hurt thing (besides my ego haha) was my knee. For some reason it's messed up.... I can't imagine that a hundred and some odd pounds falling on top of a limb could really mess it up??? IMPOSSIBLE!!! I'm made of steel................................. So anyways, all of that to say that I didn't get a lot of sleep last night due to the jacked up knee. So, when I hit the snooze button this morning on my alarm apparently I didn't hear it again at all. Randomly I woke up at 8:31. Usually, I leave the house for work around 8:40. Don't you worry! I got up, got a shower, got dressed, got out the door by 8:45..... I have no idea how. But, I did it! :) That's all for today........
Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish guy! Help me Oprah! Help me Tom Cruise!!!!